Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rylee's 1st hair cut

Rylee got her 1st hair cut - Nov 26th, 2010 by her Granna Linda or as she calls her "grangy" lol. She had quite a long MOP and despite the grandparents nagging to cut it....we enjoyed putting it up in big bows....after granna got a hold of it, bows may be only being able to go on her head bands for a while.... :(
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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rylee video!

So I'm a little a head of the game ....but I worked on a video for Rylee!! So I titled it her 1st birthday since that's only about 2.5 mths away!! Eeekkk!!! That's scary, it's happend so fast! Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Rylee Ann

Rylee Ann Williams was born June 23rd, 2009 at 7:38 pm! She weighed 8lbs 11 oz and was 20 inches long. She has been the JOY of our lives!! It is amazing how someone SO small can ROCK your whole world by just being born. She's now 7 1/2 wks old and is responding more and more to us everyday. She smiles when we talk/sing to her. She loves to lay on her play mat and bat at the toys hanging from above and laugh at them. And she LOVES music! I sing to her everyday throughout the day so it's no surprise she falls asleep best with music either playing or being sung to her. We are so blessed to have this little bundle of joy in our lives and feel SO blessed by God to have such an amazing journey a head of us!